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"If one member suffers, all suffer together, if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

   Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it."  [1Corinthains, 12 : 26~27]

                                                                                                                        - the church's theme verse for 2019 -



HATAZAWA CHURCH is a church that teaches the gospel of Jesus Christ according to the inspired Word of God : the bible.

The church has a warm, friendly atmosphere and all kinds of people feel at home here. 

We aim to worship God from the heart, listen to his Word, and obey him in our daily lives. 

We long for the whole Chiba region, especially the towns of Kisarazu, Kimitsu and Futtsu to hear, believe and rejoice in God's salvation.





The roots of Hatazawa Church go back to 1984, when OMF missionaries Bob and Berti Cunningham began to work in Kisarazu. Since then a number of OMF members have served the growing church; in recent years (1994-2013) Ralph and Miho Clatworthy led the team. For many years the church met in a building on the present site which was originally a restaurant, until in 2012 it was finally possible to erect a new church building. 

About 30 people now meet regularly each week - members, visiting Christians, and others who wish to know more about the gospel. 



■What is OMF?

Overseas Missionary Fellowship was founded by James Hudson Taylor in 1865. It serves the church and seeks to bring the gospel to all the peoples of East Asia. OMF helps place Christians with professional skills in China and other Asian countries, and shares the love of Christ with East Asians worldwide. OMF has been working in Japan since 1952, primarily focussing on the planting of new churches. 

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